31 August 2010


1.Otsustan autokooli tõsiselt käsile võtta.
2.Osalen oma esimesel tiimikal.
3.Peaksin tegema autokooli, aga luuserdan terve päeva.
4.Ema ja isa pulma-aastapäev ja ema poodi saabub uus kaup.
5.Käin megaerilisel Unistuste Õhtu nimelisel peol.
6.Käin Taavetiga Inceptionit vaatamas ja külastame Danat viimase töö juures.
7.-8.Õpin autokooli.
9.Peaksin jätkama autokooliõpinguid, aga käin kuulamas sellist asja nagu ärietikett.
10.-18.Olen mõttetu.
19.Taasavastan enda jaoks Tumblr-i.
20.Valmistun Läti-Rootsi reisiks.
21.Sõidame kodust ära.
22.Sõidame rongiga Valgast Riiga ja läheme õhtul Rootsi laevale, where I meet A.
23.Päev Stockholmis ja tagasisõit.
24.-26.Sugulaste juures.
27.Jõuan koju, hängin Paadiga, jalutame varjupaiga loomi + saan tasuta hunniku filmiilmutusvidinaid.
28.-30.Jaman taimedega, vaatan filme.
31.Käin Kadrinas eesmärke täitmata, aga leian maailma lahedama hang-out spoti.

01 August 2010


I am going to be really boring this month, because I have to take a test on the theory of driving, laws and such. And I'm really bad at it. So I NEED to study.
And while I'm doing that, I need YOU to post on my blog.
Comments, that is.
  1. Tell me what you like/don't like about my blog. Tell me about the things you want me to write more about. Do you like the photos? Do you like the text? English or Estonian? What do you think about all the pink links? Should I post paintings and drawings I make? All that.
  2. Ask me ANYTHING. From my favourite color to whatever you come up with.
  3. Titles. This is a thing that has left A LOT of posts unpublished. Well, in this case I mean titles like "top 5 things you can't live without", "blogs I like". General stuff like that.
I ask this of you, because I feel like I don't communicate with you guys enough. Also, I'm sooo not gonna think this month. And I won't post a single thing until I've taken that test and have received tons of comments from YOU.