29 June 2010

Blue balloons, Red sky (detail)

This is the painting I was telling you about. I finished it yesterday. I made the silhouette quite similar to the other one. Beautiful none the less.
I didn't have names for the paintings, but I thought that the one with the blue background could be called Ado and this one Rable. The sounds of the names depict the colors perfectly. Have to get a frame and apply varnish.


  1. ma vaatan et su mehikese 'story' läheb edasi. Mu meelest areneb see väga huvitavat rada pidi. Varsti pead näituse tegema :)

  2. mina nägin esimesena Darwini mererannas olevaid merekarpe, mida aeg-ajalt sealt oma lõunakarpi korjamas käin...
