09 June 2009

Sympathy pain?

Sama poole kõrv, millesse Udole augu tegime, paistetas minul üles ja valutab.
Selle sidemega käiks 24/7 ringi :P
Kihvt ju.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The thing with my blog is that I see whatever you post here as a comment. Even if deleted right after posting, I have already received its notice in my mailbox :P

    I might as well explain the post: I got my ears pierced when I got 6. But 2 days ago my brother got his ear pierced. He is fine but MY ear is swollen up. For no particular reason. At this point I'm worried :(
    The bandage is needed to keep the medicine in place... But no, it isn't doing much ;)

    Thank you.

  4. Kustutasin siis kui sain aru et see ei ole kõrvaaugu tegemise pärast. Olid sa arsti juures?

  5. Mkm, sinna ei jõudnudki. Ta hakkas juba paremaks minema ja ma enam ei muretsenud.

    Nüüd on juba täiesti korras.
