Eesti keeled. Sain kirjandi ühe. Õnneks brasiillane mu kõrval aitab tundi heasti segada. Ta on nii hull inimene. Lõbus. Inglise keel. olen mõju all. Pole asju, Paati ega Kikut. Nõme tund. Ei meeldi üldse. Bioloogiad. Täiesti rahul. Vaatasime, kuidas üks pisike sünnib. The miracle of life... So beautiful! Nüüd arvan, et mu emal ei peaks minust vaid ükskõik olema, aga ta peaks mind vihkama. Keemia.
...a girl with caked up makeup.
In the sunshine, smoking
cigarettes to pass the time.
Who wakes up to a bottle of
On the nightstand, bites and scratches the
But i ain't found one quite right
So I step with pep to the park or supermarket
Her apartment best be messy.
And Lisa don't
mind when i call her Leslie.
She's gotta dress
with class.
In Jean Paul Gautier and an Hermes bag.
4 inch tips made of ostrich.
Sharp enough to slit your
wrists, her lips spread gossip.
Won't say sorry when
she offends.
She comes over to my place in her old
man's Benz.
In gold and silver and jewels of all
And she doesn't take them off when we're
tearing up the covers.
Come on get it 'fore I
change my mind.
Come on kid don't waste my time.
rich, so pretty
The best piece of ass in this whole damn
So rich, so pretty.
I like a girl who eats
and brings it up.
A sassy little frassy with
Her best friend's a plastic surgeon.
when her Beemers in the shop she rolls the Benz.
Manis and
Pedis on Sundays and Wednesdays
Money from mommy, lovely in
Costly sprees it's on at Barneys.
And i
love to watch her go thru 50 G's calmly.
She gets
naughty with her pilate's body.
And thinks it's
really funny when her nose goes bloody.
Cuz the blows so
yummy and it keeps her tummy empty
And makes her act more
Dance the night away.
And she won't say
nothing when she makes a man stray.
Come on get it
'fore I change my mind.
Come on kid don't waste my
So rich, so pretty
The best piece of ass in this
whole damn city.
I've had you come before
Go get my purse Mickey
Lock the door
You're just a midnight
Don't talk back.
You're just a
boy Mickey.
You're just a toy Mickey.
just a boy Mickey.
Come on get it 'fore I change
my mind.
Come on kid don't waste my time.
So rich,
so pretty
The best piece of ass in this whole damn
So rich, so pretty.
So rich, so pretty.
best piece of ass in this whole damn city.
Pants helistab. Poes näen imetoredaid kõrvaklappe, mida vajan. Ei saa. Vahet polegi?
Ema helistab. Iba. Ütleb, et lõpetab, et mind mitte ärritada. Urisen läbi hammaste vastu.
Koju. Saan netti. Issi hüüab üles midagi supi tegemise kohta. Ei reageeri. Pants tuleb siia ja küsib, mida issi hüüdis, nagu tal läheks seda täiega vaja. Räägin. Ta ei vasta kohe. Ütleb: "Aga miks sa suppi ei tee siis?" Lähen.
Kuigi see BaleOut'i värk oli juba paar päeva tagasi, ei saa ma sellest üle... Ta meeldib mulle nii väga. ...Christian Bale dropped the F-bomb 36 times during his nearly 4-minute verbal lashing...
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