I was scared to use the computer to post anything, because my brothers have united once again (in attempt to assure my well-being?): they are making damn sure that I study. I didn't feel like being a complete bastard and lying to them while actually online. So I stayed in my room and did experiments with my plants and drew girls and dresses. 'cause that's what I felt like doing, thanks.
Everyone knows I can't draw girls, but in need of a dress for the 20th of next month I made designs. I have no intetion of looking like every other person there. I won't show the sketches now, but I came up with something cute and the girls aren't too bad either. This corner

reminded me of a picture I took during the week we had to dress up at school.

It's blurry, but for the people that know these girls... I obviously think highly of the drawing :D
Ohh, and I'm taking the biology exam in 8 hours. I won't say anything.
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